
wordpress of blockchain






Today the lucrative universe of blockchain technology and smart contracts is still only visible to parties that are running node or have an undetermined timeframe and sizeable budget to invest into a development of blockchain-enabled service as almost everything must be created from scratch.





As a vast majority of currently available tools and solution-systems run on legacy infrastructure, they are not able to interact directly with blockchains and thus fail to provide users with access to the abundant benefits of decentralized ledger.



現在可能な膨大で多量のtoolsやsolutin systemsは古い構造基盤でどんどん進んでいることから、直接ブロックチェーンに使うことはできないですし、豊富な利点のある分散化された台帳へのアクセスは、ユーザーに提供なされていません。


Just like WordPress became an open-sourced world application for building a wide variety of web-pages, a Swiss startup Proxeus aims to create the first toolbox allowing anyone to use building blocks in order to create workflows that eventually will result into affordable blockchain apps. In this way, Proxeus delivers a supportive guideline for all entities who are willing to increase the efficiency of their business processes owing to blockchain.



The team has been developing the Proxeus platform for 2.5 years and now they are beta-testing and running their first trials. The project’s roadmap reveals that the first live applications will be running on the platform by the end of ongoing year, once the Proxeus team releases a public product.


チームはProxeusのプラットフォームを2年半開発していて、beta-testing と最初の試験を実行しています。公開されているプロジェクトのロードマップでは、最初のライブ



However, by now there are several significant achievements of Proxeus innovative blockchain technology that wrought public attention to the platform. According to the recent announcement, Proxeus and its partners including IBM Switzerland, Canton Zug and Swisscom, have legally registered the very first Swiss company using blockchain technology. The event took place as part of the digitalswitzerland challenge, a joint initiative from several of Switzerland’s leading businesses aimed at driving digitalization efforts across the country.


また一方で、今ではプラットフォームで多くの人に注目されるほど精巧にに作られた数個の重大なProxeusの革新的なブロックチェーン技術が達成されています。最近の発表によれば、ProxeusやパートナーのスイスIBM、Canton Zug , Swisscomはブロックチェーンテクノロジーの使用でとても早い段階でスイスの会社と合法的に登録しています。

国境を越えてデジタル化を促進することを目標に行われたdigitalswitzerland challengのイベントの一部に数名のスイスのビジネスリーダーが率先して参加しました。

Proxeus has recently completed a successful initial coin offering (ICO) where they raised $25 million over two days of ICO right before winning the Swiss Fintech Award for “Early Stage Startup of the Year 2018”. According to Proxeus, $10 million was raised by 20 buyers during the pre-sale, with the remaining $15 million being raised during the main sale from approximately 800 investors.


Proxeus は最初のICOを2018年の初めの段階で始まったスイスのFINTECH AWARDを受賞する2日前に$25ミリオンを超える額で終わらせています。Proxeusによれば、およそ800人の投資家からメインセールの間$15ミリオン獲得しながら、$10ミリオンを20人のバイヤーからプリセールで獲得しました。

Despite the innovative approach held by Proxeus, the incentive to be a ‘WordPress of Blockchain’ has crossed the minds of other blockchain startups. The other day, Mumbai-based blockchain project Elemential was reported seeking to remove the pain of “blockchain administration” and save developers time by simplifying the process of building enterprise blockchains.











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